Selasa, 10 Juli 2012


STIA Bina Taruna Gorontalo
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Sambutan Ketua STIA Bina Taruna

Perkembangan Teknologi dan Informasi mendukung kemajuan dalam perkembangan Komunikasi dalam hal penyampaian Informasi yang cepat, tepat dan terus berkembang sesuai tuntutan kebutuhan. Penyampaian informasi yang cepat dan tepat merupakan salah satu indikator yang mendukung berkembangnya sebuah lembaga.
STIA Bina Taruna Gorontalo telah meluncurkan Website resmi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasi dan komunikasi yang cepat dan akurat mengenai perkembangan lembaga kami.
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09 May 2012
Terdepan dalam Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Membangun Bangsa

Setiap Tanggal 21 April Bangsa Indonesia memperingati Hari Kartini. Sebagai wujud penghormatan kepada R.A. Kartini sebagai Pahlawan Perempuan pertama yang mensejajarkan derajat perempuan dengan kaum pria.  
Di era ini, masih ada beberapa orang tua yang enggan mengirim anak-anak perempuan mereka ke Perguruan tinggi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh peran tradisional wanita dalam masyarakat. Seorang wanita hanya diharapkan untuk menjadi seorang istri dan seorang ibu rumah tangga. Padahal pada kenyataannya, seorang perempuan berpendidikan tidak hanya menjadi istri yang lebih baik, tetapi juga kontributor hal yang lebih baik kepada masyarakat luas.


10 April 2012

Surat edaran Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi tertanggal 27 Januari 2012 menyebutkan bahwa sebagai syarat kelulusan, mahasiswa S-1, S-2, dan S-3 harus memublikasikan makalah ilmiahnya. Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Djoko Santoso mengatakan, level jurnal untuk masing-masing jenjang berbeda-beda.
Ketentuan yang dimuat dalam surat edaran tersebut:
  1. Untuk lulus program sarjana harus menghasilkan makalah yang terbit pada jurnal ilmiah.
  2. Untuk lulus program magister harus telah menghasilkan makalah yang terbit pada jurnal ilmiah nasional, diutamakan yang terakreditasi Dikti.
  3. Untuk lulus program doktor harus telah menghasilkan makalah yang diterima untuk terbit pada jurnal internasional.


07 April 2012
Nur Endah Dwiyanti
Peringatan hari lahir (dies natalis) dalam sejumlah besar budaya akademik dianggap sebagai peristiwa penting yang menandai awal perjalanan kehidupan. Karena itu, biasanya peringatan tersebut dirayakan dengan penuh syukur dan kebahagiaan. Bertambahnya usia selalu dibarengi dengan pengharapan akan makin bertambahnya kedewasaan. Tidak hanya bagi manusia, pertambahan usia bagi organisasi pun selalu dikaitkan dengan tingkat kedewasaan. Apalagi bagi sebuah perguruan tinggi yang punya fungsi utama melahirkan para ilmuwan yang berkualitas. Dalam hal ini, dies natalis punya makna penting bukan hanya sebagai penanda bertambahnya usia, tapi juga penanda tingkat kedewasaan dalam berkarya.
Dalam merayakan hari jadinya yang ke-4 STIM Boalemo menyelenggarakan beragam kegiatan yang di Ikuti oleh mahasiswa/i dan Siswa/i baik yang berada dilingkungan Kabupaten Boalemo maupun STIA dan STITEK Bina Taruna Gorontalo.


04 April 2012

STIA Bina Taruna Gorontalo memeberikan kesempatan yang sebesar-besarnya bagi mahasiswa / I yang memiliki minat dan bakat jurnalistik dalam bidang non akademik, dengan kriteria dan persyaratan sebagai berikut;

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Today: Jul 11, 2012

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  • JL. Jaksa Agung Suprapto No. 40
  • Gorontalo 96115 - Gorontalo
  • Telepon : (0435) 827255
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Ariel, Uki, Lukman, Reza dan David Di Mata Indra Sinaga

Sahabat, mau tau pendapat musisi lain tentang Ariel, Uki, Lukman, Reza dan David dan juga album Suara Lainnya? Kali ini kami berkesempatan untuk sedikit berbincang-bincang dengan Indra Sinaga atau sering di panggil Naga. Naga yang merupakan vokalis dari group band Lyla juga merupakan teman dan sahabat dari Ariel, Uki, Lukman, Reza dan David.

Bukan hanya sekali dua kali saja Indra Sinaga menyanyikan lagu-lagu dari Ariel, Uki, Lukman, Reza dan David. Dalam beberapa acara musik, Naga beberapakali berkolaborasi dengan para personil misalnya di acara Musiklopedia, Harmoni Semua Tentang Kita. Bahkan Naga juga ikut meramaikan tour "Dari Sahabat Untuk Sahabat" bersama Uki, Lukman, Reza dan David di beberapa kota di Indonesia.
Pada Konser Tanpa Nama yang merupakan launching album Suara Lainnya di The Hall Senayan City, Naga juga meluangkan waktunya untuk hadir menyaksikan konser tersebut. Kedekatannya dengan Ariel, Uki, Lukman, Reza dan David juga apresiasinya terhadap karya-karya mereka menjadi alasan mengapa Naga selalu hadir dan mendukung Ariel , Uki, Lukman, Reza dan David untuk kembali berkarya.
Apa pendapat kamu mengenai Konser Tanpa Nama yang digelar tanggal 29 Mei kemarin?
Menurut saya, konser kemarin dan album Suara Lainnya itu merupakan kreatifitas baru dari mereka berlima. Mereka ngga pernah mentok kreatifitasnya, album instrumentalnya juga keren. Ya keren banget.
Lagu apa sih di album Suara Lainnya yang membuat kamu terkesan?
Lagu Sahabat yang featuring Karinding Attack itu keren! Lagunya jadi kontemporer, etnik, surprise banget karena jadi beda. Lagu Sahabat kan aslinya juga filosofisnya sudah bagus, basic lagu itu dari rock tiba-tiba jadi etnik. Ya sebenarnya sebelum nonton di Konser Tanpa Nama, saya udah denger lagu itu duluan di Youtube. Dan menurut saya lagu itu buat saya paling beda ya.
Nah kalau lagu-lagu Peterpan di album-album sebelumnya, lagu apa sih yang menurut kamu, kamu banget atau yang paling kamu suka? Kenapa?
Kota Mati! Hahaha.. kalau ditanya kenapa saya juga ngga tau.. pokoknya saya suka lagu itu. Tapi kalau ditanya mengenai album yang paling saya suka, saya paling suka album Hari Yang Cerah, itu album favorit saya dari semua album. Secara lirik dan aransement lagu-lagunya di album itu saya paling suka dan lagu yang paling saya suka ya Kota Mati.
Kamu sering sekali terlibat di banyak acara music bersama Ariel, Uki, Lukman, Reza dan David bahkan sempat ikut tour Dari Sahabat Untuk Sahabat. Sudah kenal para personil secara pribadi, menurut kamu mereka itu pribadi yang bagaimana?
Hahahaha.. kocak! Mereka orangnya lucu-lucu, fun! Kita sering cerita-cerita juga, mereka suka ´ngebodor´ (melucu), suka cerita-cerita bodoh gitu juga. Menurut saya mereka orang-orang yang menyenangkan, ngga ngebosenin.
Selesai berbincang-bincang, Naga lalu berpose dengan album Suara Lainnya dan meminta tanda tangan seluruh personil kecuali Ariel yang memang tidak hadir saat itu. Nah begitulah perbincangan singkat dengan Indra Sinaga yang juga merupakan sahabat dari Ariel, Uki, Lukman, Reza dan David. Hmmm... di lain kesempatan siapa lagi musisi yang akan kita tanya pendapatnya ya? Tunggu saja berita selanjutnya hanya di


he Top 10 Web Hosting Companies of 2012

Creating a web presence is a crucial consideration in the modern world. And in order to create that presence, it is essential to find a suitable web host. To help you find the best web hosting company for your needs, we’ve evaluated, reviewed and ranked hundreds of hosting companies; effectively doing the hard work for you! With this data we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 web hosting companies below, in an effort to ease your search for the best web hosting provider for your needs. Learn more about how we ranked the companies below according to price, customer service, reliability and overall experience.


$3.50AnytimeSpace: Unlimited
Traffic: Unlimited
Domain: Free
99 Rate iPage Review
2 $3.75AnytimeSpace: Unlimited
Traffic: Unlimited
Domain: Free
97 Rate Justhost Review
3 $3.9590 DaysSpace: Unlimited
Traffic: Unlimited
Domain: Free
99 Rate WebHostingHub Review
4 $4.24NoSpace: 10GB
Traffic: Unlimited
Domain: $1.99
99 Rate Godaddy Review
5 $3.6730 DaysSpace: Unlimited
Traffic: Unlimited
Domain: Free
98 Rate Fatcow Review
6 $4.95AnytimeSpace: Unlimited
Traffic: Unlimited
Domain: Free
97 Rate Bluehost Review
7 $4.1790 DaysAvailable Upgrade
Space: Unlimited
Traffic: Unlimited
Domain: Free
98 Rate inmotion Review
8 $3.9645 DaysSpace: Unlimited
Traffic: Unlimited
Domain: Free
97 Rate Hostgator Review
9 $1.9930 Days1 Dedicated IP Address
10 GB Disk Space
100 GB Bandwidth
97 Rate WebHostingPad Review
10 $4.95AnytimeAvailable Upgrade
Space: Unlimited
Traffic: Unlimited
Domain: Free
98 Rate Greengeeks Review

Latest Customer Reviews

  • support reps were really helpful, friendly and available which is, usually, in the end of things, the most important.
    Reviewer: Harper
  • So far, Fat Cow has been a stellar host. They gave me a free domain name and plenty of space for storage, as well as a lot of bandwidth. All of the technical support that Fat Cow has been able to give me has been great too. I'll probably never change hosts!
    Reviewer: Katie Ormand
  • I moved my website from another host to Just Host recently. With their templates, I made my site look better than ever. Plus, the Yahoo! And Google ad credits have helped me build traffic I just didn't get with the other host. Just Host's technical support is great, too.
    Reviewer: Elaine McKinney
  • When I first started building a website, I had no idea of which host to choose. I'm glad that I found Web Hosting Pad. Not only are they a cost effective solution for my web needs, but the support team was able to answer all of my questions quickly. It made life much easier!
    Reviewer: Kenton Hornsby
  • My site depends on the ability to have streaming video, and I was so happy that In Motion hosting was able to provide me with a great options and service that keeps my site up, running, and looking great all the time. They are easy to use, and the price was perfect!
    Reviewer: Leonard Appleby
  • I was actually shocked at how quickly I was able to get my website up on the web when I used Web Hosting Pub. Within minutes my site was up, and using the web building tools they offer made things that much easier. I couldn't be happier with their service!
    Reviewer: Damon Esposito
  • I have a lot of content on my site, and my old host just wasn't able to accommodate my needs. Blue Host let me have unlimited storage space, unlimited file transfer, and unlimited email accounts! Best of all, setup was instantaneous. The price is phenomenal, and they have 24/7 support! Who-...

    could want more?
    Reviewer: Joshua Stone
  • All I can say is WOW! They've got it all covered-service, price, support, and even tons of extras. No wonder so many people use Go Daddy-they really are the best in the business. So easy to use, and super friendly service. They are the only hosting service I would ever use-and I have 6-...

    sites up and running with them so far!
    Reviewer: George Kilpatrick
  • I've used a few web hosting services in my day, but Green Geeks has the best control panel of them all. I think I'm done switching from one service to the next just because Green Geeks is so easy to use and simple.
    Reviewer: Sharon McEffrey
  • I was dreading transferring my website to another host, but it needed to be done. Host Gator made the whole process surprisingly easy, and they practically paid me to do it! All their free transfer services meant I didn't have to do much of anything to get my site moved over.
    Reviewer: Shawn Wright
  • support reps were really helpful, friendly and available which is, usually, in the end of things, the most important.
    Reviewer: Harper
  • So far, Fat Cow has been a stellar host. They gave me a free domain name and plenty of space for storage, as well as a lot of bandwidth. All of the technical support that Fat Cow has been able to give me has been great too. I'll probably never change hosts!
    Reviewer: Katie Ormand

What Should You Look for In a Host?

When searching for a hosting company, how do you know which host is the best for your needs? What sets one option apart from another in terms of value to you? The needs of each individual or company will vary depending on the kind of website they envision, their budget limitations, and their maintenance capabilities. However, there are quite a few common concerns found across the board. To begin, identify the amount of disk space and bandwidth that you’ll need. Disk space is the amount of memory allocated by a hosting company to store your website files. If you plan on building a large, graphics heavy website, you’ll need lots of space. If you plan on hosting a smaller, personal site, you’ll need much less. Bandwidth is the measure of how much data transfers per month. Those who have a heavy site, or expect heavy traffic, will of course need more bandwidth, and those with smaller sites and fewer visitors will need less. To avoid going over your monthly bandwidth or space limit, look for unlimited or flexible plans. Next, it’s essential that the host you choose supports the operating system you use (Windows and Linux, typically), and that they offers the features that you need. Whether you are a rookie or a pro, we suggest you look for hosts that offer the following: control panel access, one or more e-mail accounts from your site domain, a site database, add-on domains, and of course fantastic customer support. Finally, keep your budget in mind. Yes, choosing the right host should be based on the features provided, but you should not overpay for features that you do not need. Check for coupons, special offers, before you buy, and ensure that you are getting the most value for your money.

Ensure You Get the Service You Deserve

One of the most important features to look for in a web hosting company is excellent customer support. Ideally, you want the best possible support. No matter how much you know about computers, hosting, and the internet, everyone runs into difficulties now and then, and they need solid assistance. The hosting company you choose should offer several ways to contact them when you need support - a toll-free telephone number, email and web chat features are the industry standards here. In addition, they should respond to your inquiries in a timely, professional and knowledgeable manner.

Ensuring Uptime and Reliability

Your choice of web host is an investment. Therefore, you need to make sure that you get the best possible return on that investment. While the tools and features provided by the host are part of this return, the uptime and reliability offered are also a huge concern. When your website is down, whether due to server problems, network problems or some other cause, you miss opportunities because visitors cannot reach your site. Therefore, you need to ensure that your web host offers the utmost in terms of uptime and reliable service. The industry standard here is 99.9% uptime, but you will find hosts that offer 99.99% uptime guarantees. Keep in mind, 100% uptime is something of an industry myth: the best web hosting services require some downtime to allow for maintenance, upgrades and unexpected glitches.

Dedicated, Shared or VPS Hosting?

If you have spent any time at all looking into hosting services, you know that there are many different varieties out there. Shared hosting is usually the most affordable, though this is not usually the right choice for larger businesses. Dedicated hosting gives you all the resources in a server, but usually comes at a premium. VPS hosting is a newer option available, which comes in somewhere between shared and dedicated in terms of pricing. Virtual Private Servers offer you more control and security but at a far more affordable price than dedicated hosting. You need to find the host that offers the right type of hosting for your needs. To learn more, we welcome you peruse our informational articles, and check out our selections for the best VPS hosting providers and Dedicated hosting providers.